daniel is an amateur photographer working for metal media. before photography, daniel's passions were motorsport and music, growing up watching fernando alonso at ferrari back at his early years at the scuderia.
explaining more about his life, he was born back in march 2005. surrounded by his mom's cameras, filming everything he did back when he was a baby. on his early years, he didn't proved any interest in photography but for music instead. He played clarinet for more than 9 years until he was realising that metal music (specially nu-metal and thrash metal) was what it really caught him onto this world. recieving the first guitar from his mum, an ibanez s520ex from 2007.
back with photography, he bought his first camera at the age of 16; a nikon d3500. he decided to work for it's town's football club for a season. People was realising that he was making a good progress, and they started to call him for weddings, baptisms, stock photography and more.
so, how did he ended onto concert photography? well, he was used to hanging out with the rest of the metal musicians of his county, but he wanted to collaborate even more. he started going to the biggest metal festivals around him, such as move your fucking brain, castellhell as the better known ones. He met lots of bands, and specially, he met people that worked for metal media, so they saw the results from the pictures taken back at the festivals and they decided to calling him for covering his first events. in just a period of 5 months, he went from covering concerts at it's county's metal scene to working with the biggest bands of the moment that he listens to. meshuggah, Halo effect, polaris, malevolence, thornhill, silent planet, sylosis, gutrectomy, whitechapel or cancer are just a few examples of what he achieved. 
daniel's favorite bands nowadays, are mainly vildhjarta, gojira, whitechapel, meshuggah and angelmaker
his main goals are to covering festivals as bloodstock, tolminator, brutal assault or copenhell.

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